Global Recognition Timeline
We are proud of our many achievements. Tourism Malaysia and its many iterations over the years have received many awards and recognition. Our proudest moments
Kuala Lumpur/Chow Kit – No.20 – for list of 52 Places to go in 2020
Sabah – No.28 – for list of 52 Places to go in 2020
Malaysia - No.7 World’s 10 Best Places to Retire 2020
Malaysia – No. 14 as one of the most photogenic countries in the world Top 50
Malaysia – No. 2 as one of the friendliest cities in the world Top 50
Tourism Malaysia – Won the Tourism board category as Voted
Putrajaya, Penang & Kota Kinabalu – won Asean Clean Tourist City Standard Award (ACTCSA) during ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF), Brunei 2020
Silver Winner Non-Broadcast under the Travel/Tourism category 2020.
The video is available online on Tourism Malaysia’s website and official accounts on social media and can be accessed through the following link: Discover Breathtaking Malaysia.